Tie-Dye by Jay

I used to love tie-dying when I was in my teens and 20s (now sadly lost in the mists of time). It was fun to do, and I loved the uniqueness of each item. But until early 2014 I hadn't done any since those days. Then a friend wanted a tie-dyed Star Wars dressing gown as a fun present for his best pal. Plenty of Star Wars ones to be found, but none of them tie-dyed - and (with my heart in my mouth) I offered to do it. Eeeek! So my friend bought the dressing gown, and I bought the fibre reactive dyes and other stuff used professionally (of course I realised cotton towelling's a very different beast to the plain cotton fabrics I'd dyed in the past so I also bought a length of plain towelling for some trial runs first!). A couple of pals reckoned I should do more - soooooo ..... I've bitten the bullet. I study various techniques (the subject actually includes methods that don't even involve tying).,and invested in some necessary things that allow the use of those techniques. It's a fascinating, challenging and fun thing. When I did that dressing gown I'd no idea it would lead me to here!